Thursday 18 April 2013

QWERTYUIOP by Vivien Alcock ( Form 4 )


    a) write out the plot of the story that you like
    b) give reasons why you like the story


    I like the story QWERTYUIOP by Vivien Alcock. The plot is about Lucy Beck who is the main character of the story is 17 years old and just recently graduated from Belmont Secretarial College. Lucy lives with her mum and Uncle Bert in a small flat. She starts working at Ross and Bannister's as the new secretary to Mr Ross and meets Harry Darke on her first day. Lucy tries to use the typewriter to do her work but is disturbed by mysterious note threats coming from the typewriter. Lucy is afraid but continues to work as usual which surprises Harry. Lucy later learns that the late Miss Broome was actually the secretary for Mr Bannister. She has passed away and so is Mr. Bannister. Miss Broome haunts the typewriter and scares new secretaries because she was fired from the company. However, Lucy who is brave and determined tells Miss Broome to move on with her life and she succeeds. Lucy now is working happily with her new boss and tries to accept Uncle Bert as the way he is.

    There are three reasons why I like the story. First, I like the story because Lucy is brave and determined to fight the ghost and keep her job as the secretary in the company. The second reason is because Lucy shows that she is compassionate or kind-hearted when she realizes that she spoke very mean to Uncle Bert and tries to tell him that Lucy and the mother still need him. The last reason is because the story is mysterious. It’s not like the normal scary ghost stories but has a message that never to be afraid of what is unknown to you.

10-Q sebab sudi baca entri Dhia,..^_^

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