Thursday 18 April 2013

Sport activities should made compulsory for all university student?

Positive effect

Release tension
  • Avoid stress
  • Forget their problem about study and personal problem
  • e.g: when they play with their friend, the student feel enjoy and calm

Healthy bodies
  • Can help a blood circulation run smoothly
  • Avoid disease
  • e.g: lung cancer, obesity

Fulfill free time 
  • Avoid wasting time 
  • Avoid negative activities
  • e.g: sports in the evening than hanging out with friends
  • Body 1: First of all, sports activities can help to release tension if sport activities are made compulsory for all university student.
  • Body 2: Second, from the sports activities, the students will get healthy bodies.
  • Body 3: I agree with the idea to make sports activities compulsory for all students because it can fulfill their free time.

     Should sports activities made compulsory for all university students? What type of sport activities that is suitable for university students? What are the advantages can the students get from sport activities? Nowadays, almost all university student not interested to participate in sport activities. Here are the reasons why sport activities should be compulsory for all university students such as sport activities can help to release tension, students can get healthy bodies and students can fulfill their free time.

     Firstly, sport activities can help to release tension if sport activities are made compulsory for all university students. Sports activities can help students to avoid stress. Hence, sports activities can also help students to forget their problem about study and personal problem. For instance, when they play with their friends, the students will enjoy and relax. As a result, if sport activities are not made compulsory for all university student, the students cannot release their tension and they will fell more burden with their problem. Sometimes, if they are in stress condition, they will do anything such as commit suicide without thinking of the effects.

     Secondly, from the sports activities the students will get healthy bodies. Sports activities can help to improve blood circulation to run smoothly. In addition, sports activities can also avoid diseases such as lung cancer and obesity. If sport activities are not made compulsory for all university student, the students will gets sick. The students can also easily get tired if they participate in sports activities because they are not used to do so. Besides that, the students also cannot improve their stamina if they do not participate in sports activities. So, it is proven that sports activities should be made compulsory for all university students.

     I agree with the idea to make sport activities compulsory for all university student because it can fulfill their free time. When the students participate in sports activities, they would not waste their time and automatically they can avoid negative activities such as hanging out with their friends and playing games for 24 hours. Thus, if they do not participate in sports activities, they are lack of knowledge about sports rules because they are so lazy to know and learn about it.

     As a conclusion, there are many other benefits of making sport activities compulsory for all university students other than the ones mentioned. By participating in sports, it will help students to improve their skills and help them in their studies. So, the university should play major rules to make students interest with sports activities.

10-Q sebab sudi baca entri Dhia,..^_^

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